Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Account for Lloyd Georges fall from office in 1922 Essays

Record for Lloyd Georges tumble from office in 1922 Essays Record for Lloyd Georges tumble from office in 1922 Essay Record for Lloyd Georges tumble from office in 1922 Essay Lloyd George became Prime Minister in 1916, with the development of an alliance government, between the Liberals, Labor and the Conservatives. Shockingly, the flare-up of World War One had isolated the dissidents. The then Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith had started to free his grasp as an imposing political figure and when the alternative of making an alliance government was constrained upon him, he decided to resign. In his place, Lloyd George was named. He was radical and charming and along these lines, exactly what the nation need at this troublesome time. After Britains triumph in the war, a general political decision was brought in 1918, which Lloyd George, as the saint from the war, won with an avalanche triumph. In spite of the fact that Lloyd George had quite recently accomplished an incredible political decision triumph, his political position was still truly powerless. After Asquiths leave from office, the Liberals had been part, with about portion of liberal MPs supporting the old Prime Minister rather than the new. Lloyd George had attempted to fix this developing break in his gathering by offering Asquith the post of Lord Chancellor, however Asquith, rather absurdly, denied this liberal offer. There was not, at this point any expectation of re-joining the gathering and Lloyd George had become a Prime Minister without a gathering. Along these lines, Lloyd George, not just needed to run a battling alliance, he needed to do it, as a result, without the help of a gathering. Numerous elements were adding to the issues of the alliance. The work party, drove by their alliance agent Arthur Henderson had left the alliance in 1917, leaving it involved chiefly Tories, with an ex-liberal Prime Minister. The traditionalists were completely glad to proceed with the alliance. They had not won a political race since 1902 and they had lost all their fearlessness. They planned to benefit at the coupon political race from the Prime Ministers prevalence. The alliance had no obvious or sound way of thinking and was in certain regards, unequipped for successful activity. It had an excessive amount of trust in itself to tune in to the cynics. Truth be told, had they stopped to consider the alerts they got, numerous issues wouldnt have emerged. During the war, a shared adversary had joined the alliance. All their own disparities and strategies were immaterial and ignored in the light of the circumstance. After the war, the key inquiry was, could the two components of the alliance co-work together effectively. This laid on to what extent Lloyd George could hold the help of the Tory Backbenchers. The moderates, on the off chance that they pulled back from the alliance, would have an agreeable larger part and in this way Lloyd George needed to keep up his notoriety with the democratic open to persuade the Conservatives that the relied upon him. Lloyd George couldn't designate significant assignments to his partners since he needed to appear to be actually answerable for the triumphs. This was perilous as it likewise implied that he would appear to be actually liable for the disappointments too. It caused numerous individual priests to think about him as excessively prevailing. As both the bureau and the alliance, were preservationists overwhelmed, Lloyd George needed to follow their lead in numerous regards. He depended on the Conservative Party pioneer, Andrew Bonar Law as a go between the Prime Minister and Backbenchers. He was a man of incredible capacity yet his most significant ability was not in driving the Tories, yet in getting them. This was fundamental for Lloyd George who needed to satisfy these clergymen and not to be believed to disregard them. Lamentably, this course of action was not to last uncertainly. In spite of the fact that Lloyd George, delighted in political security, he saw the requirement for political realignment and needed to frame another inside gathering with his nonconformists and everything except the extraordinary conservative Tories. These gatherings had a characteristic and powerful co-activity for quite a long time. In March 1920, numerous Tories requested of for this single joined gathering, yet Lloyd Georges plans were ruined by the alliance dissidents who were reluctant to be attached to the traditionalists for all time. Lloyd Georges thoughts got known as the combination and in spite of the absence of liberal help, he continued difficult, resolute, yet he never got any nearer to his optimal gathering. The disappointment of the combination didn't mean the finish of the alliance yet it left Lloyd George defenseless and dependent on Bonar Law. In 1921, Bonar Law surrendered because of sick wellbeing. This was an enormous blow for Lloyd George. His substitution, Austen Chamberlain was not a viable replacement for Bonar Law. He was inadequate where Bonar law had exceeded expectations, withdrawn from party feeling and unapproachable. The base of his difficulty was his vanity. He would not wear glasses, in spite of the fact that he was silly. He demanded wearing a monocle in a vain endeavor to resemble his well known dad. This implied her could just perceive individuals a good ways off of a couple of feet. His Backbenchers were irritated and felt that their pioneer was disregarding them. He additionally neglected to impart well and didnt tell his Backbenchers of his basic perspectives on Lloyd George. He was subsequently observed as Lloyd Georges creation. The aftereffects of this political vulnerability and strain was that issues started to increase for Lloyd George and his alliance. The strain was starting to appear. Every one of these issues were uplifted by open desires. These were exceptionally high and an excess of was anticipated from the alliance. As a byproduct of this confidence, their mistake in this disappointment was bitterer. In 1918, after the war, Lloyd George acquired a changed and harmed Britain. During the war, it had become basic that the administration were increasingly engaged with people groups lives. This implied the old arrangement of Laissez-faire was successfully finished. Additionally, pastors turned out to be increasingly responsible to the individuals they spoke to. The Representation of the People Act of 1918 gave the vote to more individuals than any time in recent memory. England was finally turning into the genuine majority rules system and appropriate popular government it could be. With this change, pastors, yet in addition every political figure and foundations got liable to the individuals that decided in favor of them. Popular feeling finally held more weight and impact. Lloyd George, just as the remainder of the nation needed to get acclimated with these changes, and yet squeezing issues with the economy must be managed. The finish of the war carried with it a characteristic lull monetarily. Less crude materials, food were required, as Britain was not, at this point constrained into independence. This implied a droop happened in numerous businesses. This was common and expected as the war had animated the economy to a level not, at this point required. In spite of its consistency, there was little the administration could do. They had to give up their previous arrangement of non-intercession in a vain endeavor to control l the log jam. To add to the circumstance, British merchandise were not, at this point serious on the global fare showcase. She had been the main nation to industrialize and different nations had now followed her model, just they had the advantage of heignsight and could learn for Englands botches. They consummated the since a long time ago settled methods of this nation and constrained Britain out of the market. She could not contend anymore. Recreation had started during the war and was proceeded however Lloyd George after it. In a discourse conveyed on twelfth November 1918, he laid out his aspirations and trusts later on. He needed to increase expectations in wellbeing and lodging, a lowest pay permitted by law, shorter working hours and farming change. Essentially, he needed a land fit for legends. These were the desires for the individuals. Dr Christopher Addisons lodging demonstration of 1919 put the commitment upon nearby specialists to see that all residents were given tolerable homes. Private housebuilders were offered appropriations to assemble the houses. The administration offered to meet the expenses of all metropolitan lodging. This demonstration has been and was scrutinized for being lavish however more than 200000 new houses were worked with this guide somewhere in the range of 1919 and 1923. This is an enormous accomplishment, in light of the current situation. The joblessness demonstration of 1920 stretched out joblessness protection to millions additional laborers, covering most of the sway procuring populace. Advantage was to be paid for the initial 15 weeks of joblessness, however joblessness kept on rising and the plan required steady changes. Regardless of this, the head of far reaching assurance of jobless specialists had been tended to and without these measures, the joblessness circumstance would have been a lot of more terrible. In 1920, the farming demonstration had kept up a past arrangement of value ensures for wheat and oats. More prominent security was additionally given to agrarian wages and the assurance of residency was given to sharecroppers. All the previously mentioned changes were shortened when the droop started in April 1921. Lloyd Georges arrangement was to set up an advisory group of specialists, under the course of Sir Eric Geddes. This commission was to examine the financial issues and they delivered their first report in February 1922. It suggested clearing cuts openly spending. Addisons lodging program had cuts forced on it, causing Dr Addison to leave and imperfection to he work party. Likewise, the new agribusiness act was canceled just a year after it was first upheld, as the wheat evaluated plunged and the expense of sponsoring the ranchers rose consistently. The arrangements made by the joblessness demonstration were broadened and the joblessness store could obtain up to 30 million from the treasury to fund the joblessness advantage. Because of the miserable end to Lloyd Georges recreation po

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Understanding The Concepts Of Acculturation

Understanding The Concepts Of Acculturation It is essential to comprehend the ideas of social change before talking about cultural assimilation. A bilinear model with respect to the adaption to another culture is proposed by John Berry and his partners . These creators guessed the accompanying four cultural assimilation perspectives: coordination, absorption, partition, and underestimation dependent on consolidating either high or low degrees of cultural assimilation and enculturation: (see Figure 3.1). The significance of these four unique mentalities is clarified. As John Berry claims, joining includes foreigners tolerating the new culture, while keeping up close binds with their unique culture. These workers learn and follow nearby traditions without losing their bond with their traditions from their country. They are both profoundly acculturated and enculturated as appeared in the outline underneath . Osmosis, then again, includes migrants who absolutely acknowledge the new culture, and reject their unique culture. These migrants will become familiar with the language and follow neighborhood customs so altogether that no hint of their unique legacy remains. Individuals become absorbed in American culture when they deleted their social personality, unlearned their ethnic social practices and convictions, and acknowledged the guiding principle of standard American culture . Partition happens when workers dismiss their new culture and live as indicated by the traditions of their unique culture. These settlers move to another culture and discover individuals from their country, and live as though they are still in their unique culture, just in a better place . Underestimation speaks to settlers who dismiss the new just as their unique culture. These outsiders not, at this point feel good with their legacy, yet the new culture doesn't interest them either . As indicated by Berry, the disposition influences the procedure of cultural assimilation. For instance, as migrants plan to go to the U.S., they may have chosen to absorb into the way of life. In any case, upon appearance they find that they dismiss a few traditions of their new nation. Thus they change their demeanor from digestion to mix. In this manner, the disposition changes as indicated by the different attributes of the workers. Portes and Rumbaut contend for three central point that can effect and change the mentality of outsiders. As per Portes and Rumbaut three variables are crucial to understanding the cultural assimilation directions of contemporary transients. The principal factor is their instructive foundation, familiarity with the English language, and monetary and class status in their country. The subsequent factor alludes to the social strategies of the host government and the verifiable and contemporary discernments and perspectives of the standard society toward a specific worker gathering. The third factor is the migrants social nearness and systems and their family structure. The instructive foundation of the settler gatherings and their social class back home are the social and social capital that they carry with them, which enormously affects their financial osmosis. Albeit each of the three elements help decide how settlers will culturally assimilate into the bigger standard American culture, the subsequent factor is the most applicable to forming the cultural assimilation results of numerous nonwhite workers, particularly of those foreigner gatherings who have minimal social and social capital and are not white. Despite the fact that the Indian Diaspora is racially particular from the bigger American standard, proficient Indian Americans have a plenitude of human-social capital gained through their propelled instruction, information on the English language, and social class in their nation of origin. The low political profile of the Indian Diaspora additionally gives them a level of imperceptibility that shields them from the examination of the bigger standard culture . The three main considerations of cultural assimilation introduced by Portes and Rumbaut normally change the course of the procedure for some outsiders. For instance, an outsider with poor English aptitudes, who is resolved to absorb, may think that its unthinkable on account of the language obstruction and choose rather to incorporate into or even separate from the host culture. Bhatias work delineates the procedure of how these variables influence Indian migrants as they adjust to their new culture. Indians subsequent to moving to America, unavoidably experience some sort of alteration or cultural assimilation process. In spite of the fact that inside the home Indian foreigners could keep up their way of life, once outside the home, the framework or society itself constrained Indians into the cultural assimilation process on all degrees of culture. It is important to see how outsiders culturally assimilate in the U.S. As Waters and Bhatia propose, in contrast to numerous Caribbean foreigners, most Indian experts are working class, live in rural America, and are not dependent upon the basic disparities of low wages, bigotry, and vicious neighborhoods . Be that as it may, there are a few equals in how both these gatherings of vagrants grapple with their racial and ethnic character. On one hand, the Indian vagrants are exceptionally pleased with their Indian ethnicity and legacy. Then again, they conjure what Bhatia calls the talk of similarity [㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦] and general humanki nd to separate themselves from their racial and ethnic character . As such, they understand that specific expenses related with being Indian are difficult and pernicious and that conjuring the talk of similarity is intended to build up identicalness with the white lion's share. For instance, Indian foreigners think about their encounters in the work place with those encounters of white Americans trying to show equity with the lion's share. In one of Bhatias interviews an outsider credits his own difficult work and achievements for his situation in the organization, while: If I was a white American male, you know, perhaps there would be bias on the grounds that Im excessively short. [㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦] So being an Indian, I dont think it put me at an alternate spot. Or possibly, that is the means by which I feel . Sunil Bhatias study shows that the individuals from the transnational Indian Diaspora are more alright with a social character than a racial personality on the grounds that their addition in the transnational Diaspora has changed them from being Indian to being minorities . The exploration delineates the muddled idea of the cultural assimilation of Indian foreigners. As showed over, the mentality of the outsiders toward their new host nation is just a beginning stage for the procedure. As these outsiders experience their new culture, their very own experience reshapes their disposition, and changes the manner in which they interface with individuals, paying little heed to nationality. Unmistakably Indian workers travel through a procedure as they culturally assimilate to their new environmental factors. While Berry, Portes and Rumbaut and Bahtia all methodology the subject from various headings and viewpoints, and however they may not concur with each other, obviously each collection of research shows a confounded procedure of cultural assimilation. Taken independently the exploration results may have all the earmarks of being conflicting, notwithstanding, a closer examination shows that their examination really bolsters each other. The demeanor of the outsiders, concentrated by Berry, assumes a significant job all the while, however these mentalities may change because of the three central point influencing cultural assimilation introduced by Portes and Rumbaut. This consistently changing procedure has been recorded in Bhatias work, which exhibits that migrants adjust independently to their new culture, for this situation the United States. That implies there is no set equation for figuring out what will befall a migrant once the individual in question shows up. This procedure happ ens inside any foreigner to any nation, hence it will be useful to show explicitly a portion of the components extraordinary to Indian outsiders, and how these components impact the procedure. 3.2 Influencing Elements of Acculturation 3.2.1 Family Maybe the most significant component to consider for Indian workers is family. As these Indian foreigners migrate to the U.S., start a family and start the way toward finding their place in the public eye, it is essential to comprehend the procedures which impact the effect of cultural assimilation on their families. To original Indian foreigners and their youngsters, family assumes a crucial job in their lives. Hodge concurs with this appraisal, and calls attention to the distinct contrast between Indian culture and western culture. Western culture underscores the individual, material achievement and secularism. The Indian culture, on the other hand, puts significantly more incentive on network, particularly the family, and on otherworldly issues . Cultural assimilation assumes a significant job in comprehension about the family structure, including family strife just as contrasts among first and second-ages. For instance, the procedure and results of cultural assimilation figure out which esteems are imperative to the original and in this manner held and gave to the succeeding ages. What's more, the procedure of cultural assimilation may likewise decide desires for resulting ages. For instance an absorbed individual would anticipate the equivalent from their kids. The vast majority of the work looked into on cultural assimilation incorporates a few factors identified with the family structure, including family struggle, explicitly intergenerational family strife. A few researchers committed their examinations to South Asian families. Among them, for instance, Mathews gave an increasingly broad thought of South Asian families to clarify how they work. Initially, she clarifies the relationship of the family in a social request, where the dad is normally viewed as the leader of the family, which keeps on being the conventional method of Indian families in America. Besides, she depicts the job of both dad and mother in the family, where the mother for the most part deals with the family and brings up the kids and th

Mgt 520 Final Exam Study Free Essays

MGMT520 Final Exam Study Guide Finals open on Saturday April 20â at 12:01 a. m. MT (Saturday morning) Finals close on Thursday April 25 at 11:59 p. We will compose a custom paper test on Mgt 520 Final Exam Study or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now m. MT (Thursday night) PLEASE DON’T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE †THE SYSTEM IS BUSY AND MAY SLOW DOWN AND ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The last test of the year is â€Å"open book, open notes. † The most extreme time you can spend in the test is 3 hours, 30 minutes. In the event that you have not tapped the Submit For Grade button by, at that point, you will be consequently left from the test. In the last test of the year condition, the Windows clipboard is debilitated, thus you won't have the option to duplicate test questions or replies to or from different applications. There are three pages to your last, and each page starts with a story. The tales are very fascinating and will make the inquiries stream without any problem. The inquiries that follow are then taken from every story. There is a little cover. Recall questions are mixed, so while they shift, all TCO’s will be tried. 2. You should tap the Save Answers button in the test habitually. This forestalls association breaks that may happen with certain Internet Service Providers, and furthermore limits lost answers in case of association issues. On the off chance that your web association breaks, when you reconnect you will typically have the option to get again into your last test of the year with no difficulty. Keep in mind, however, that the test clock keeps on running while understudies are disengaged, so understudies should attempt to re-login as fast as could reasonably be expected. The Help Desk can't allow any understudy extra time on the test. . See Syllabus â€Å"Due Dates for Assignments Exams† for due date data. 4. Updates: * You may have the option to enter your online Final Exam one time * Click the â€Å"Save Answers† button regularly * If you lose your Internet association during your Final Exam, logon again and attempt to get to your Final Exam. On the off chance that you can't enter the Final Exam, contact first the assistance work area and afterward your educator. * You will consistently have the option to see the time staying in the Final Exam at the upper right of the page . Appraisals with Multiple Pages: * Make sure you click the â€Å"Save Answers† button before progressing to the following page (we likewise recommend tapping on spare answers while you are working) * Complete the entirety of the pages before presenting your Final Exam for teacher survey; check your work and make certain to answer all the pieces of inquiries. * Do NOT utilize your browser’s ‘Back’ and ‘Forward’ catches during the Final Exam * Please utilize the gave connections to route 6. Presenting Your Final Exam: When you are done with the Final Exam, click on the â€Å"Submit for Grade† button * Please note: Once you click the â€Å"Submit for Grade† button, you won't have the option to alter or change any of your answers 7. Test Questions * The last test of the year covers all course TCOs and Weeks 1-7. * The test has two short answer addresses worth 15 focuses each (TCO I and D. ) (Plan around 10 minutes each). * The test has 7 article addresses worth 30 focuses each (TCO A, B, C, E, F, G, and H) (Plan around 23-25 minutes each. ) This gives you around a brief support. The test has an aggregate of 240 focuses. * The end of the year test contains 3 pages, which can be finished in any request. You may go to and fro between the pages. * On the short answer questions, simply answer the inquiry posed, with any concise detail to clarify why you addressed that way. In the event that a rundown is mentioned, give it. * On the article addresses your answers ought to be compact, completely address each piece of the inquiry, and exhibit your insight and comprehension in a succinct yet complete answer. You can utilize projectiles where fitting (I. e. posting components, safeguards, or steps. Guarantee you examine and offer explanations behind responses as halfway credit is offered regardless of whether the response isn't right. * Remember consistently utilize legitimate reference while citing different sources! Spot any cited or acquired material (even a short expression) in quotes with the source (URL, creator/date/page #) promptly following the finish of the section. Indeed, even refer to reworded data. Cited or reworded material ought not overwhelm a student’s work; use it sparingly to help your own musings, thoughts, and models. Inability to appropriately refer to material can imperil a breezing through evaluation on the test. Your work might be submitted to turnitin. com, an online copyright infringement checking administration. * If you reference your content, it’s OK to simply say Jennings, p__. 8. A portion of the key examination regions are as per the following: (while these are key territories recollect that the test is extensive for all the appointed course substance and this investigation guide may not be comprehensive. * TCO A: Given a hierarchical prerequisite to adjust strategic approaches to both the law and best moral practices, apply fitting moral speculations to shape a business choice. Ways of thinking * Ethical models †you should apply them to an authentic circumstance much as you did in your midterm * TCO B: Given cases of government guideline of business and business rehearses, decide the established and administrative bases for such guideline, and plan a system by which anâ impacted business can impact or challenge managing results. * APA * procedure of guideline proclamati on * Legal difficulties to guidelines (review our Week 2 task, particularly #5) TCO C: Given a case of corporate obligation emerging from the offer of deficient and perilous items, build up a business technique that incorporates moral contemplations to limit risk for cases of item risk and break of guarantee. * Strict Liability 402A †know the components, relate them to the realities! * Negligence †don’t neglect to refer to the components and relate them to the realities! * Warranties †once more, communicated and suggested, and relate them to the realities. * Defenses to these cases †don’t neglect to utilize our terms: contributory carelessness, suspicion of hazard, near carelessness; relate them to the realities! TCO D: Given a business necessity to shape an agreement for the offer of merchandise and ventures to a client, characterize the components of an agreement, and decide if an appropriately framed agreement is enforceable under the custom-base d law or Uniform Commercial Code. * Contract development †recall the components! * Contract execution * Defenses to contract execution * TCO E: Given indicated conditions of a work relationship, decide the conditions under which a business is at risk to a representative for work segregation or improper release. Formation of the office relationship, including respondeat prevalent, careless recruiting, and so forth * Responsibilities of the operator and head * Theories of separation under Title VII †dissimilar treatment, sway; don’t overlook inappropriate behavior, which is additionally secured, just as age under the ADEA * Defenses to a Title VII charge * Enforcement of Title VII * TCO F: Given indicated conditions of business responsibility for and licensed innovation, assess the privileges of business to the insurance of its property and the commitments emerging out of the utilization of the property. Hypotheses to ensure business licensed innovation (licenses, cop yright, and so forth ) * Know the distinction between allotment (a security tort) and misappropriation (exchange privileged insights). * Enforcement of business property rights (e. g. , item stigmatization, trademark encroachment, and so on ) * Defenses to these cases * TCO G: Given instances of anticompetitive or uncalled for exchange rehearses, apply material antitrust or other shopper insurance laws, and decide proper business techniques to forestall exchange rehearses liabilities. Legal insurances for buyers * Bankruptcy * Restraints of exchange * TCO H: Given a contention between corporate partners over a business choice, assess the legitimate and moral duties of corporate chiefs, officials, and controlling investors. * Duties and commitments of executives of an organization * Insider Trading †be certain you know the components * TCO I: Given indicated conditions of a business choice to grow to universal markets, figure out what global legitimate necessities or administrat ive controls apply. Standards of universal law * Resolution of worldwide questions * Jurisdiction in a private activity between residents or organizations of various nations †comprehend sovereign insusceptibility and how it applies and who may utilize it as a guard. * Jennings’s Article â€Å"Why an International Code of Ethics Would be Good† 9. Zones that were talked about in the strings will be ideal objectives. 10. Assignments will likewise be practical objectives for returning to. At last, on the off chance that you have any inquiries for me, it would be ideal if you present them on our Q;A, or email me. Good karma on the test! Step by step instructions to refer to Mgt 520 Final Exam Study, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

U02d1 Research and Discuss Rationing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U02d1 Research and Discuss Rationing - Essay Example The term apportioning is one where the United States isn't confronted with a deficiency of administration as the degree of merchandise and enterprises of the nation are not utilized, or are out of interest. This for the most part will in general happen when there is a breaking point that is actualized on the merchandise and enterprises and depends on the capacity to pay. Considering the overall population here for the situation, there is a colossal doubt that on the off chance that there is an ailment and a potential treatment for it, at that point the insurance agencies are at risk to pay independent of the expenses. This anyway is never the equivalent if an individual needs to pay for the treatment from their own pockets. This is basic human instinct. Anyway there is continually apportioning that happens when an individual isn't secured by protection. Here the individual or even the experts would consider whether it is valuable to permit the treatment on the individual and whether the result may be helpful or not. The primary article by Newt Gingrich is one which portrays the present day circumstance where there is an away from of proportioning. The creator expresses an exceptionally fascinating point, ‘if you are a solitary male without any kids, the enactment despite everything expects you to have maternity advantages and well-infant and well-youngster care inclusion. You dont need or dont need that inclusion? Apologies, you need to pay for it anyway’. This is the present circumstance among all Americans and the viewpoint of the residents is obvious from the title of the article: ‘Healthcare proportioning: Real scary’ (Gingrich, 2009). The second article by Floyd then again examines the issues looked by the administration. Unmistakably in the present circumstance the social insurance frameworks are expensive and the Americans hope to get the best without the will to pay for it. This leads the creator to set down three significant inquiries which have been replied here in the archive. The creator has set down the accompanying: ‘The current discussion over medicinal services apportioning encompasses three key

Saturday, August 8, 2020

How to Get Millions of App Downloads

How to Get Millions of App Downloads Every app developer wants one thing: for the app they have created to go “viral”, or become a massive hit among millions (billions, even) of users. There is nothing more satisfying than to see the download count of the app you have labored over for a significant length of time reach millions. However, it is also a fact that not all apps manage that feat. Some even do not get more than thousands of downloads before they are eventually ignored and shoved aside by other, better, apps.But it is possible to get millions of app downloads, as evidenced by the top downloaded apps of all time, which include Google Chrome, Facebook, Gmail, Google Search, YouTube, WhatsApp Messenger, Twitter, Skype, Angry Birds, Google Street View, Amazon Kindle, Dropbox, eBay, and Facebook Messenger. © Shutterstock.com | NicoElNinoIn this article, you will read about 1) the key ingredient of a viral app: content, as well as 2) tips and tricks of getting millions of app downloads.THE KEY INGREDIENT OF A VIRAL APP: CONTENTPeople download apps for various reasons, but there is one prevailing factor or ingredient that makes an app a hit or a miss. This is the content of the app. In short, what makes the app good? What can it offer to the users? What will the users get from downloading it? What will make the users deem it worthy of being shared to others?To answer the questions above, the app must pass four tests.The Value TestThe app must have something of value to share. Is it useful? How useful is it? Will you, as the user, feel good about recommending and sharing it to your friends? What about the app will motivate users to tell their friends or other users about it?Users will download an app when they see that it can do something for them; they will eventually recommend and shar e it to their friends once they experience for themselves the usefulness of the app. Some apps fail this first test when the users realize that they do not deliver what they claimed to be able to, and will not even bother telling anyone about it. In fact, they may even dissuade others from downloading the app and recommend something else instead.Loyalty to an app stems from its usefulness. Apps that prove to be valuable are frequently returned to or used by those who download them. Of course, it follows that the more often they check into the app and use it, the higher its value will go.The Convenience TestLet’s face it: no one wants an app that makes them jump through hoops just to download it and share it to others. There is nothing more frustrating than downloading an app and then realizing that sharing it is complicated. It becomes even more of a turnoff when the people you share the app to will find it difficult to register, join, and use the app for themselves.The app must b e easy to share, and actually facilitate joining by friends or those whom it is shared with. One effective way that is done by app developers is to offer tools that encourage social interaction, such as clickable buttons or icons. Some apps can be shared just by clicking on a button, which will then allow the app to appear in their social media accounts’ feeds or timelines.The Rewards Test Does the app offer rewards? Does it offer incentives to motivate users to download it, use it and keep coming back to it? Many users look beyond the usefulness of an app and are actually keen on finding perks in using it. When they share the app to other users, do they get rewards for it?The Engagement TestAre you able to engage your audience enough for them to continue using and sharing the app? It is not enough that you are able to convince them to download your app and use it for a period of time. It is more important for you to find ways to grow your audience. As the audience for your app in creases and more and more users are downloading and using it, that means only one thing: the value of your app is also going up.TIPS AND TRICKS ON GETTING MILLIONS OF APP DOWNLOADSSometimes, you do not have to be too technical in your strategies on how to get millions of users download your app. Of course, as mentioned earlier, the first step in having many users take notice and download your app is to actually have a good app â€" one that offers something of value and actually encourages sharing. The rest may require a bit more work for you, but if you do them right, you will find your download count reaching numbers that may have been impossible at first.Make the app design look effortless.You will notice that the most downloaded apps look fairly simple. The key word here is not “simple”, but “effortless”. At first glance, some may even think that they look too plain and not flashy enough, but that is actually part of the strategy of the app developers.An effortless design is one that looks almost inexistent, for the simple reason that it has been integrated into the overall look of the app. Many times we get too obsessed on how the app looks and when we get to the heart of the app â€" its usage and function â€" we end up disappointed. An app with an effortless design puts users more at ease when using the app, so they will have no trouble using it, even if for the first time. Understand that everyone who downloads an app will have no idea how to use it the first time they open or launch it. There will always be a learning curve involved. A highly convoluted design will add difficulty, making that learning curve too steep. And we all know how users often react to apps that are hard to understand, don’t we?Make it straightforward. Dispense with too many steps so as to avoid confusion among users.Users want an app that immediately gets to work, doing what it was purported to, without them having to go from one step to another just to get it jumpstart ed. They do not want to waste time trying to learn how to navigate the app. Chances are, they will dump the app and look for something else instead.Examples:Consolidated registration and sign-in options: Instead of making users create accounts using usernames and passwords, many apps allow users to register or sign in using their existing accounts with other social media platforms, such as Google, Facebook and Twitter. This is certainly preferred, since it saves users from having to think of unique usernames and passwords, and fill up lengthy forms with personal information. The personal information they have already provided in their other accounts will simply be imported into the app. This one-click option is also much easier, especially for those who are not too enamored of keying in their usernames and passwords on their phones’ keypads.Simple instructions upon registration: There are no lengthy manuals for apps, although you may stumble on many FAQ files online. However, who wants to pore through pages and pages of how-tos and guides in using the app? There are many apps that, upon sign-in of a new user, display pop-ups with simply written instructions on how to get started with the app. It also instructs users how to add friends or connect with other users of the app.Shows clearly what you can do with the app: From the moment the app is opened, you will immediately know what you can do on it. The interface should clearly display the actions you can do on the app in order of priority. What is the main thing you can do with the app? Then make sure it shows up on the app, right up top. For example, a music sharing app should immediately have the Play/Stream, Search, and Share functions once you open it, instead of the Playback History or Edit functions. They may be in the app, but they are not the top priorities. Now if it is a sound-editing app, then the Edit should be the prioritized action.Consolidated sharing options: Take a look at the Share function . A poor strategy would be having separate buttons for sharing on Facebook, on Twitter, or via e-mail. A good strategy â€" one that is employed by the best apps â€" is to have only one button that you can click and will reveal the options to share on Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail. All you have to do as the user is to select all the applicable platforms that you want to share on, and do it all in a single click.Offer a frequent reward Having a reward system in place is really a given. After all, not only do you want to attract users to download your app, but you want them to use it often. To do that, give them a motivation to keep coming back, and nothing motivates better than being rewarded often for using the app.Examples:Referral rewards: Some apps give gifts, such as user points, as the case may be, for every friend they invite or share the app to. For every friend that downloads the app, they may also get more rewards. This action will naturally urge the new users to also pay it forward and share to their friends as well.Sign-in or new member/user rewards: It’s not just the users that sent the invitations who will be rewarded. Those who download and use the app will also get to have rewards on their first usage. For example, an app for a shopping portal may give a discount voucher or a coupon. A messaging app may give its new users free themes, stickers or character images. When choosing rewards, make sure they are something that will be of use to them.Surprise rewards: An element of mystery is always attractive. If you offer hidden or surprise gifts to users, this will pique the curiosity of new users. Before you know it, they will be downloading the app and using it in order to get the surprise rewards.Offer transparency.The internet is not really the safest place, and app users know that some information about them will be circulating once they join an app. These days, users are more cautious and will only download and use apps that let them know what information will be shared to other users. This is especially preferred when the app utilizes the one-click method of registration or sign-in, assuring users that they will not be posting on their Facebook timeline or Twitter feed, for example.Always put the users in control.The app is all about the user; therefore, he should be the one in control. He should be the one with the final say on how to use the app, what information or details will be shared, and how they will be shared. This is commonly done by giving users a control panel. In an app environment, a settings or configuration screen will come in handy.For example, users using a photo editing software may choose to post the photo on their preferred social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, FourSquare, and more. Or you could let them decide on what notifications to receive, and how they will be received. Some may opt to get notifications when a friend invites or adds them, while others may pre fer getting notifications whenever someone comments on one of the photos they have uploaded. Similarly, they may choose to receive notifications on their personal email addresses, or simply read them on the app itself. Again, the key here is to leave the decision up to the user.Motivate users to come back for more.It is the repeat customers â€" the loyal ones that are so happy with your app that they keep coming back and using it â€" that will serve as your best marketers or advertisers. As long as you keep them happy with what your app is offering and how it is performing, you can be sure that they will talk about your app to their friends, and their friends will also talk about it to their other sets of friends, and so on and so forth. Word-of-mouth remains to be one of the best modes of advertising.So how can you keep them motivated and interested? You could send them notifications or reminders, encouraging them to come back and use your app. Even a simple greeting once in a whil e, just to remind them that your app exists, will work wonders.But even this method has to be done with subtlety. Spamming them or flooding them with reminders and notifications will do the opposite of what you want to happen. They might get irritated and completely uninstall your app.Focus on the user first.At the end of the day, it is the user who will be benefiting from the app. It may involve building networks, amassing a huge number of followers, or getting lots of feedback. However, do not forget that the app should always focus on the user. Thus, you have to make sure that the app provides something meaningful to the user on a personal level, with the social aspect only taking second place.What does this mean? This means that the app should still be useful to the user, even if they do not have to invite friends or bring in other members (unless, of course, the app is purposely for sharing content). Keep in mind that not everyone uses apps for social purposes; there are other users who are “loners” by nature, wanting to use an app without feeling obligated to invite anyone to use it as well.Put your app “out there”.Submit your app to various app directories, such as  Appolicious. Talk about your app in relevant forums and blogs. Approach trendsetters, influencers, bloggers and even journalists and request them to try using your app, with the request that they talk about it or give it an objective review or testimonial. If you have good content, and the reviewer liked your app, they are bound to talk about it and recommend it to others. There are now a lot of app review websites that you can pitch your app to.Or you can go ahead and create a microsite or even a blog for your app, and spread the link. Are you creative enough? Create videos or media files about your app and upload them on YouTube or similar streaming sites where people will be able to watch them. Usually, a demo video on how to use the app is a good idea instead of something that si mply talks about what the app is.Another way you can put your app out there is to apply for awards. Fortunately, there are a lot of app awards sites where you can submit your app for consideration for any award. Getting an award, or even having your app nominated, is sure to generate good press for your app, and attract more attention to it. More attention = more downloads.The road to getting millions of app downloads is certainly not an easy one. However, it can be done and, lucky for you, there are a lot of ways to go about it. All it takes is dedication, effort, and a very good app that is worth sharing, and you’re halfway there.