Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Analysis Of The Smithsonians National Museum Of American...

Interestingly, the exhibition did try to showcase ethnic immigrant groups however, used stereotypical depictions of traditional objects (Watkins). Moreover, â€Å"the exhibit also attempted to address the thorny issues of slavery and racism, and displayed drawings of slave ships and shackles† (Burns 113). Other than drawings there were no other methods of interpretation used to depict such a complex topic. In not displaying â€Å"the crude physicality of actual artifacts, or even replicas, Smithsonian curators avoided possible confrontation and accentuated themes and history believed to unite all immigrant groups, regardless of origin or circumstance† (Burns 113). A Nation of Nations could have pushed more at the boundaries of what was considered†¦show more content†¦The exhibition curators attempted to create an exhibition that went further than display of historical artifacts to tell a story of the past to make it relatable to visitors today as â€Å"conside ring objects, images, and first-person accounts of a variety of people across time can cultivate our narrative imaginations and help us better understand our diverse nation† (Salazar-Porzio and Troyano 20). The exhibition highlights topics such as ethnic diversity, equality, and freedom, â€Å"so that as a nation we might go beyond simple acknowledgement of our past, present, and future diversity to focus on building an equitable and inclusive society† (Salazar-Porzio and Troyano 16). The exhibition begins by displaying objects from some of the first groups to immigrate to the United States and continues with broad themes of more contemporary issues regarding immigration today. The show progresses chronologically, but also organizes groups by geography. The assortment of type of objects included in each display section tells a story about the history of each immigrant group. Additionally, â€Å"Nancy Davis, curator in the division of home and community life, project director and one of the organizers of the exhibition...says the sheer variety in the display shows that history continues to be written† especially in regards to the sections on modern immigration stories (Catlin). During the timeShow MoreRelatedUnited Airlines23407 Words   |  94 PagesAirlines [pic] Prepared By: Presented to: Jeffrey R. Nystrom Management 4500 Business Policy and Strategic Management November 18, 2008 Table of Contents SECTION 1: CASE STUDY 1 1.1 Background / History 1 1.2 Organizational Mission 1 1.3 External Environment 2 1.4 Internal State of Affairs 4 1.5 Generic Strategy 5 1.6 Long-Term Objectives 5 1.7 Grand Strategies 5 1.8 Short-Term Objectives 6 1.9 Functional Tactics 7 1.10

Monday, December 16, 2019

Crm Comparison - 2189 Words

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OPEN SOURCE CRM SOFTWARES Hana Fitriani, Hurul Aini, Nisa Zulhikmah Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia September 2013 Email:,, ABSTRACT At present, CRM or Customer Relationship Management plays a key role in business management. EIRP or Enterprise Resource Planning plays a key role in business management. It is widely used by companies to support the integration of internal process within organization (marketing, selling, and service) with external network i.e. customer. For some companies, CRM is very useful by increasing market share, making the upselling and cross-selling, and making quicker cash flow.†¦show more content†¦The benefits are efficiently communicate or target email campaigns to specific types of prospects or customers. Tagging interface [pic] 3. Newsletter Ideal method for building an ongoing relationship with prospects and customers and keeping them informed of news and developments that may be of interest to them. Newsletter interface [pic] 4. Web Visitor Tracker Lead Capture Tracking visitors to our site helps us to better understand who they are and what their needs are so we can directly address those needs and secure them as long-term customers. [pic] Web Vsitor Tracker Lead Capture interface 5. Automated Workflow X2CRM’s marketing automation, X2FLOW, is an intuitive workflow designer and engine where we can leverage all the data in X2CRM to model simple yet sophisticated flows incorporating a variety of actions and conditions. Automating tasks increases employee productivity and allows us to extend the reach of our organization without hiring and training new employees. [pic] Automated Workflow interface 6. Lead Routing X2CRM gives you the flexibility to establish and modify lead routing rules quickly and easily. Small medium-sized businesses need full control over lead distribution to ensure each lead is managed by the individual most likely to move it through the salesShow MoreRelatedCrm Comparison Report ( Salesforse Vs. Emoney ) Essay1366 Words   |  6 Pages CRM Comparison Report (SALESFORSE VS. EMONEY) Done by: Jessica Correa Ghirass Abualshamat Maryam Baqalaql Getting to know your customers, as well as any prospects, is a key component in the success of any business. This requires a lot of work and time, but even more important is the establishment of a relationship, in which the customer feels appreciated and valued. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Henry Clay Essay Example For Students

Henry Clay Essay Henry Clay FrickIn this paper I am going to talk about how Henry Clay Frick was an important man to our history and some things that he contributed. Not only was he a successful industrialist, but an art patron and a philanthropist. He was one of the most important people that helped put Pittsburgh on the map. It all started in a small town in Westmoreland county called West Overton. He was born in 1849 into a wealthy family not his parents but his grandfather had some money. His grandfather was Abraham Overholt, who was a wealthy rye whiskey distiller. As he was growing up his grandfather gave him a job as a bookkeeper. And that was the job that made him want to become a wealthy man in his future. It didnt take long either Henry with an entrepreneurial spirit became the largest producer of coke from coal. By the time he was thirty he was already a millionaire and this caught the eye of another important Pittsburgh industrialist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie looked at Frick, as a man that could really help him out since coke was a key ingredient in the making of steel. This led to Carnegie bringing Frick into his company Carnegie Brothers and Company, and this assured him of having a constant supply of coke. After joining up with Carnegie, Frick took and reorganized the worlds largest coke and steel company. But Henry Clay Frick and Andrew Carnegie were both aggressive business competitors. The end was near for their partnership because of the twos aggressive nature. One of the major problems between Frick and Carnegie began with the 1892 labor strike at the Homestead Works, which was part of Carnegies Steel Company. It started because Carnegie wanted to eliminate the unions in his mills, but Frick supported actions that setback the labor movement for decades. The Homestead Works strike didnt look good for Carnegie because of the death and violence, which had happened, and he tried to avoid any connections with him. The two kept disputing each other which led to Frick resigning form the company in 1899(Warren, 1996). After the violence at Homestead, Alexander Berkmann, attempted to assassinate Henry Clay Frick in his second floor office in Downtown Pittsburgh. While recovering from his attack at his home his son Clayton died shortly after birth. Frick also didnt have much public support after the Homestead violence. However after these to instances he gained public sympathy (Warren, 1996). After his near death experience and fall out with Carnegie Steel Company he continued his business interests in Pittsburgh, New York, and other cities. He formed the St. Clair Steel Company in 1900, with the largest coke works in the world in Clairton. He then played a major role in the formation of United States Steel Corporation, after Carnegie sold his interests in the Carnegie Steel Company in 1901. He then began investing in a large real estate in Downtown Pittsburgh that included the Frick Building, William Penn Hotel, Union Arcade, and the Frick Annex. He also played a major role in the construction of two major building in Downtown Pittsburgh: the Carnegie Building, the first steel skyscraper, and the original Union Trust Company Building in Pittsburghs Fourth Avenue Financial District (Schreiner, 1995). He also started an art collection shortly after he became a millionaire, which he was interested in dating back to his youth. By the beginning of the twentieth century, he had a very significant art collection. He considered building an art museum, to house his works of art, in Frick Park. But he finally decided to move his large collection of artwork to New York City with the family in 1905, ironically to avoid the soot of Pittsburghs industries. His art collection serves as the core of the Frick collection, which is housed, in his former New York City mansion. When he died in December of 1919, Henry Clay Frick bequeathed this residence and the works of art for the formation of a public gallery for the purpose of encouraging and developing the study of fine arts (Serrin 1992). .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .postImageUrl , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:hover , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:visited , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:active { border:0!important; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:active , .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29 .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5656b67a5fafca58b61e884d67116a29:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Red wine varietals EssayEven though the Frick family moved to New York in 1905, Henry continued his business interests and philanthropy in Pittsburgh. In 1905, $65,000 was still needed to finish the new Allegheny Observatory building, and was needed for the astronomical research to escape the air pollution of the inner city. Henry Clay Frick promised to pay half of the sum if astronomer John. Brashear could find the other half of the amount. In 1909, Henry Clay Frick organized a commission to fund supplemental educational opportunities for public school teachers with John Brashear, and Frick donated $250, 000 to the commission. The commission became permanent in 1916, and it became known as the Henry Clay Frick Educational Commission. In addition to many grants to individual teachers, for special training, the Commission constructed the Henry Clay Frick Training School for Teachers, located just four blocks from the present day site of the Frick Fine Arts Building. In the 1990s, the Henry Clay Frick Educational Commission became the Henry Clay Frick Educational Fund, one of the specially endowed funds of Pittsburghs Buhl Foundation (Schreiner 1995). To end this paper I find it very inspirational that someone that was born less then five minutes from were I lived my whole life did so much to better the people, society, and culture around him. It was just amazing how good he was at everything he did and didnt fail at all. It just makes me think maybe someday a small town boy like me will think of something to better everything for everyone and become an icon like Henry Clay Frick

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Internal medicine residency program

The article starts by exploring how the hospital-based health practitioners are slowly being replaced by physicians assistants.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Internal medicine residency program specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, the authors have provided different reasons for the development of this innovation in medical employment, such as the misdistribution of physicians causing service gaps; changes in the federal rules and regulations with regard to the issue of hospital reimbursements; new guidelines that seeks to restrict the working hours of the residents; reduced physician residents programs in such main medical fields as medicine, pediatrics, and surgery; and a reduction in foreign medical graduates in the GME (graduate medical education) program (Sunil Choksi, 2009, p. 133) in the United States. The purpose of this particular article was to help in describing a comparative assessment of the impact of substituting an internal medicine residency program with a hospitalist model that involves a physician assistant, on the outcomes of patients within a community hospital. The methodology entailed a replacement of some 9.5 full-time attending physicians and some 30 residents house staff with 12.5 full-time attending physicians and 23 physician assistants. With regard to the residency model, the physician assistants were deployed to the medical ICE, general medical floor unit, the coronary care unit, and the telemetry/monitored settings units, all on a rotational basis ((Sunil Choksi, 2009, p. 135). On the other hand, the medical residency model had an attending physician present on the medical floor to facilitate indirect supervision during the off-hours and to direct supervision when the teaching rounds were in progress. The physician assistants-hospitalized model also had an attending physical on call to ensure that the physician assistants were directly supervis ed during the regular hours of duty. On the other hand, during the weekend or the off-hours, an attending physician would often be on call to facilitate the supervision.Advertising Looking for article on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to facilitate the conduction of the study, the researchers deemed it appropriate to collect prospective data on the 2 years time duration during which the hospitalists’ service- physician’s assistant was compared with the service-physician prospective data from the adjusted mortality of the medical residents’ model that had also been collected during the same 2 years period. The study’s outcome measures included adverse events, mortality, patient satisfaction, readmissions, and documentation. The medical residents models versus the physicians assistant-hospitalists resulted in the yielding of an index-adjusted mortality for case mix and all- cause of 0.019 versus a56/5458 (representing a 2.85 %), and 107/5508 (representing a further 1.94%), respectively. The non-adverse event cases reported by the study were 5, while the adverse event cases were 9. On the other hand, the study reported a 64 versus 69 rate of readmission within time duration of 30 days. Further, the study also recorded a 95 versus 96% rate of patient satisfaction (Sunil Choksi, 2009, p. 136). Moreover, the study also reported an equivalent provision of quality care to the patients in the hospital in question by the hospitalists-physician assistants’ model. During the hospitalists-physicians assistants’ model period, the study reported significantly lower case mix index and all-cause adjusted mortality. The study further provides a recommendation on the need to conduct further research into the areas under investigation before it can be replicated into other similar institutions. On the other hand, the authors did not collect any intrinsic barriers that could have hindered the implementation of this particular study design and for this reason the study could as well be implemented in other institutions.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Internal medicine residency program specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference Sunil Dhuper, S., Choksi, S. (2009). Replacing an Academic Internal Medicine Residency Program With a Physician Assistant–Hospitalist Model: A Comparative Analysis Study. AM J Med Qual, 24(2),132-9 This article on Internal medicine residency program was written and submitted by user Kimberly Whitley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.