Monday, December 16, 2019

Crm Comparison - 2189 Words

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OPEN SOURCE CRM SOFTWARES Hana Fitriani, Hurul Aini, Nisa Zulhikmah Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia September 2013 Email:,, ABSTRACT At present, CRM or Customer Relationship Management plays a key role in business management. EIRP or Enterprise Resource Planning plays a key role in business management. It is widely used by companies to support the integration of internal process within organization (marketing, selling, and service) with external network i.e. customer. For some companies, CRM is very useful by increasing market share, making the upselling and cross-selling, and making quicker cash flow.†¦show more content†¦The benefits are efficiently communicate or target email campaigns to specific types of prospects or customers. Tagging interface [pic] 3. Newsletter Ideal method for building an ongoing relationship with prospects and customers and keeping them informed of news and developments that may be of interest to them. Newsletter interface [pic] 4. Web Visitor Tracker Lead Capture Tracking visitors to our site helps us to better understand who they are and what their needs are so we can directly address those needs and secure them as long-term customers. [pic] Web Vsitor Tracker Lead Capture interface 5. Automated Workflow X2CRM’s marketing automation, X2FLOW, is an intuitive workflow designer and engine where we can leverage all the data in X2CRM to model simple yet sophisticated flows incorporating a variety of actions and conditions. Automating tasks increases employee productivity and allows us to extend the reach of our organization without hiring and training new employees. [pic] Automated Workflow interface 6. Lead Routing X2CRM gives you the flexibility to establish and modify lead routing rules quickly and easily. Small medium-sized businesses need full control over lead distribution to ensure each lead is managed by the individual most likely to move it through the salesShow MoreRelatedCrm Comparison Report ( Salesforse Vs. Emoney ) Essay1366 Words   |  6 Pages CRM Comparison Report (SALESFORSE VS. EMONEY) Done by: Jessica Correa Ghirass Abualshamat Maryam Baqalaql Getting to know your customers, as well as any prospects, is a key component in the success of any business. This requires a lot of work and time, but even more important is the establishment of a relationship, in which the customer feels appreciated and valued. 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